Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our last few days in punta gorda

We tried for jerk chicken Monday night, but when we arrived the “proprietors” said “soup tonight, jerk tomorrow.” Rick was pretty disappointed, but told them that we would be back. Instead we went to Punta Pizza and met a gal from CA who has been in PG for 5 years. Her business was pretty busy, so we didn’t get a chance to pick her brain, but we did enjoy the pizza…not as good as Belmopan, but better than nothing! Afterwards, home for “House” and “24”.

Tuesday morning we had our usual breakfast and then headed out in search of a long sleeve shirt for Rick to protect his skin from whatever it is that’s bothering him. We stopped at every shop during our 2-mile walk, but no one had what we were looking for. We did pick up a few necessities (toothpaste, matches and clothespins) instead. Rick started to feel bad, so we hurried back home. I went swimming, but Rick didn’t feel up to it. When I got back to our apartment he was complaining of his throat swelling up…possible allergic reaction to the new antibiotics? Gave him some Benadryl and the symptoms gradually improved…whew! For lunch we again returned to the roadside cabana for jerk chicken. This time it was waiting for us and delicious (thanks, Joyce!). Our first BBQ in Belize! We both really miss it since we’re used to having something on the grill or smoker several times every week! Just the usual for the rest of the day. Rick repeated his antibiotics, as scheduled, without any problems. Will have to wait and see what happens.

Wednesday morning started with omelets and a surprise from Rick, sweet rolls….mmmmmm! Rick returned to the “jerk” place to visit with Anthony, Joyce’s husband (he was gone when we were there yesterday). Linda spent the morning watching “Marley and Me” and crying her eyes out! Cloudy and cool today and no more places we want to visit, so we just lay low at/around home. Rick returned to Anthony’s later in the afternoon to visit his greenhouse and discuss more opportunities. I read some more and got ready for an evening out on the town. For our last dinner in PG we visited Marian’s Bayview Restaurant for Indian cuisine. We met a couple there from Canada, Tara and Clive, and shared a table with them. Great food, view and conversation! Returned home in time for the last few girls on American Idol and Linda was off to bed…Rick was up most of the night with his stomach or skin issues, dogs barking or roosters crowing. We’re both ready to head to our next stop, Maya Beach, right after breakfast!

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